The volume of the sides and the belly increase, the first in the set of weight, while reducing the latter in the case of the loss of weight. Therefore, it is important to choose a correctly nutritious diet that helps to prevent the problem areas. The correct and easy diet for slimming the abdomen and the flanks is selected in function of the cause of origin, the amount of excess weight and the individual characteristics of the body.
The essence and the principles

The deposition of the fat in the abdomen cite the following reasons:
- Harmful food. Carbohydrates in the form of a sweet slow the fluid in the body and hinder the process of exchange of substances. If the problem lies in the constant overeating of loyalties and sweets and fat food, you must radically change your diet;
- Of the disease. To an increase in the womb take of the pathology of the liver, dropsy. It is important to treat the disease, and each year the examinations;
- The stress. Unstable in the emotional state contributes to the production of the hormone cortisol, which converts calories into fat. You should avoid stressful situations, take sedatives;
- The lack of physical activity. Gives rise to the excessive formation of the roundness of the belly and the hips. If the fat is delayed due to the sedentary lifestyle, you should increase the physical activity, do the exercises, that allow the load of work in the area of the waist.
Low carbohydrate diet for slimming the abdomen and sides, the menu shown below, helps to dry out the figure and remove the excess water. To get rid of inches, stick to the following rules:
- Eliminate alcohol and soft drinks, especially in regards to the beer.
- Reduce the consumption of salt.
- Meals for slimming the abdomen and the sides should be fractions.
- Boost the amount of food is approximately 250, the Frequency of the reception – 5-6 times.
- During the day drink water (1.5-2 l).
- The amount of calories per day should not exceed 1500-1800 kcal.
- Take vitamin complexes to maintain the balance of nutrients in the body.
- Say, after 19-00 hotel.
Advise to buy an electronic scale for weight control and write the number eaten of calories. With the help of 3 day diet fast slimming abdomen and sides no one is going to get rid of the problem areas, but to reduce several inches in the waistline is possible.
Finally remove the excess fat helping to the long programs of loss of weight and exercise.
The menu of each day
If it is urgent to get rid of a few inches in the abdomen and sides, you can use the express calculated diet in 3 days. With your help, will remove 3-5 inches. Sample menu for three days is presented in the following table:
The intake of food | The first day | The second day | The third day of the |
Breakfast | The green tea, 2 eggs | The low-fat cottage cheese, tea | Baked apples with cinnamon, coffee or tea |
Lunch | Whole grains, beans, green tea | 100 g of cooked turkey, coleslaw | 150 g of steamed fish, salad of carrot |
The dinner | Stew of vegetables, 150 g of fish | Cup of yogurt (1%), 2 tomatoes | Cup of yogurt, banana |
Don't forget the second city. As are appropriate: grapefruit, broccoli, spinach, apples, low-fat yogurt, a stick of muesli. It allows you to eat between 30 and 50 g of dry black bread in the first half of the day. This diet allows you to reduce the volume of the stomach and to adapt to the nutrition. In the future, eating in excess is going to cause discomfort. In diseases of the pancreas and of the intestine, it is worthwhile to pay attention to the diet 5p.
For lovers of meat and vegetables, ideal for a protein-rich diet. Below is a sample menu of the week:
Day | Breakfast | Lunch | The dinner |
Monday | 150 g of ricotta (skim), tea green | 150 g beef, salad of vegetables | 150 g of cooked fish (hake, cod), 1 boiled potatoes, beetroot salad |
Tuesday | 2 bread, a glass of kefir | 200 g of steamed fish, apple, compote | 150 g of pork, 100 g of cabbage in brine |
Wednesday | 100 g of cooked pork, apple | 200 g of beans, vegetable salad | 200 g of lean meat, apple juice |
Thursday | 150 g of cottage cheese, green tea | 150 g of stews of meat, 100 g of vegetables | 150 g of steamed fish, 100 g of vinaigrette |
Friday | 100 g beef, salad of carrot | 150 g of fish, a salad with tomato | Vegetable stew, applesauce |
Saturday | 150 g of pork fat, cabbage salad | 100 g of beans, carrot salad | 150 g of steam fish with cabbage salad, a slice of black bread |
The resurrection | 2 bread, a glass of kefir or tea | 150 gr of turkey, vegetable salad | 150 g of meat of pork, tomato salad |
The weekly schedule of diet for slimming the abdomen and sides is designed in an active lifestyle. For she must play sport.
There are many other diets for the reduction of the waist. Popular independent slimming in the rice, yogurt or buckwheat. Mono diet allow you get rid of the abdomen in the short term, however, monotonous, menu makes them very complex.
Losing weight will help you download days. Your selected according to the characteristics of the body and preferences. The essence of the burdens of the day in the use of a product throughout the day. The most popular are:
- 1-1,5 l of yogurt;
- 1-1,5 kg of apples;
- an unlimited number of fresh cucumbers;
- 400 g of cooked chicken breast chicken;
- 2 kg of watermelon.
You can combine the two products, for example, the buckwheat with the kfir, the apples with the cottage cheese, etc recommended download days 1 time every 1-2 weeks.
How to prepare

To prepare the dietary products is necessary so that in them was preserved the maximum amount of useful substances. Therefore, at the time of lose weight, you need to follow some rules:
- Recommended to remove the fat from meat and poultry;
- When baking, do not use any of the fats. You can customize the dish with the help of different pickles in vinegar;
- It is important not to digest the products. Better if they are a little crispy;
- When the extinction can not add more fat. During the cooking heat must be evenly distributed on the dishes, so it is ideal for cooking on the small fire;
- It is admissible to frying food, but without oil. The ideal on the grill;
- All salads made of olive or linen oil, fat-free yogurt. Use the mayonnaise you can't;
- It is important not to exceed the calorie content of and prepare the recipe.
By following these recommendations, you can improve your digestion and lose weight in the belly area and sides.
What can be in the diet
Diet against the sides and the belly is based on fractions of nutrition. The daily menu should contain foods that do not causes the fat deposition.
Products for slimming the abdomen and the sides:
- chicken;
- beef;
- turkey;
- rabbit;
- lean fish;
- seafood;
- legumes;
- cereals;
- nuts;
- nuts;
- vegetables (except potatoes);
- fruits (except grapes and bananas);
- the vegetable;
- dairy products (free of oils);
- the oil of olive.
Some of the products to speed up the metabolism and start the process of burning fat in those problem areas. Them concern:
- ginger;
- col;
- grapefruit;
- the green tea;
- cinnamon;
- fresh cucumbers.
It is useful to drink 100 ml of red wine a day. In him is present the resveratrol, which prevents the formation of fat.
You can't in the diet
During the diet it is necessary to abandon the following products:
- fast food;
- sweet;
- semi-finished products;
- flour;
- fried;
- fatty;
- pickles;
- canned goods;
- potato chips;
- sauces;
- abdominal;
- coffee;
- fatty meats;
- the fatty fish.
If this food will be present in the menu to reduce the volume of the belly and sides is not going to work. Prohibited are alcohol and tobacco. It is worth to limit the quantity of pasta, the potatoes, the cauliflower. The resignation of the previous products could help to improve the functioning of the digestive tract, normalize metabolism.
The recipes of the dishes
Recipes for a healthy diet and of the great multitude. Of useful and low-calorie products you can prepare delicious dishes. Here are some of them:
Salad with tomatoes
You will need:
- 3 tomatoes;
- 100 g of lettuce;
- 2 cloves of garlic;
- 200 g of cheese tofu;
- the oil of olive.
- The tomatoes are cut into rings and fried without oil before the appearance of the bark.
- The garlic is forced through the press and mix with the oil.
- On a plate exposed to the lettuce leaves, put in garlic oil, add to it tomatoes.
- Cheese cut into cubes and put on top.
This is a beautiful summer salad, which contains many vitamins.
Pumpkin soup-puree
For the preparation of low-calorie soup-mashed potatoes you will need:
- 2 courgettes small;
- 1 carrot;
- the root of celery;
- the vegetable;
- pepper, salt.
- Vegetables are cut into cubes and fry in 1.5 l of water until cooked.
- The mass of mash with the help of a blender, mixed with salt and add the pepper.
- Add 2 tablespoons of olive oil and poured the soup into the dishes.
- Adorn the plate of vegetables.
As to enhance the action of the diet
Accelerate the thinning and stimulate the agency's work help other the manipulation.
The milk, tea and sassi
Enhance the action of the diet will help you special drink of milk tea. It consists of green tea, brewed in milk. During the day you should
drink 1.5 liters of the beverage. This ensures the reset of 1-2 kg and the reduction of the waist. Method of cooking:
- 1 liter of milk (fat 1,5%) is heated to 70-80 degrees.
- Add 3 tablespoons green tea leaf.
- Insist tea for 30 to 60 minutes.
- Filtered and drink during the day.
During the diet recommended to drink the water of the sassi, which contributes to bowel cleansing and weight loss products in the area of the waist. The prepared of the following ingredients:
- 8 glasses of purified water;
- lemon
- cucumber;
- the root of ginger;
- mint.
Crushed products they put in the water at night, and the next day they start to drink.
Clear the stomach and the mouth will help you to acetic acid involves. It is necessary to dilute the apple cider vinegar with water in a ratio of 1 to 3 and wet them swab of cotton fabric. The material of the wring out and wrap issues in the area of the top serves of the movie and put on the warm clothes. After 60 minutes of fabric arranged in the vinegar, to wash.

Useful to carry out the self-massage special. Before him, it is desirable to take a hot bath and lubricate the skin in the belly and the sides and the middle. When the self-massage used to caress, touch and Swedish. The degree of pressure is governed by their own feelings.
Against the belly and sides are effective the following exercises:
- effect of the tilt with the weight in one of the parties;
- the elevations of the lower extremities;
- run;
- exercise bike;
- torque;
- exercises on the ball.
Daily recommended to turn the hoop, jump rope and download press. Popular is the technique of "vacuum", based on the correct breathing. These exercises should be performed every day. For faster advise 1-2 times in the 7 days of the swimming pool, the sauna or the steam bath.
If you have a chronic illness to sit in the diet may, after consultation with the doctor. Typically, the programs weight loss taboo for persons with the following problems:
- the increased levels of cholesterol;
- anemia;
- hypotension;
- low immunity.
- the increased acidity of the gastric juice;
- the pathology of the kidneys;
- the gastritis;
- the stomach ulcer.
It is contraindicated diet for the belly and the sides of women during the gestation of the child and in the period of lactation. It is not recommended to engage in the tastes of weight loss programs of the elderly men and women, children and adolescents. Hotel to limit your diet in the period of the disease, after the operation.
The side effects
The diet for the body is stress. Some of the ends of a weight loss program can cause loss of hair, cramps in the legs due to the lack of calcium. If the problems begin with digestion, the stomach will only increase constipation. Therefore, it is important to choose the balancing of the energy systems, to maintain in the body, the level of the substances needed.
In the case of the swelling, diarrhea or constipation, experts advise to introduce in the diet of herbal teas, with a slight effect purgative, eat more fruits and vegetables, not to ignore the consumption of vegetable oils. You can't support in the coffee and tea, to raise the tone, otherwise you can not avoid headaches. If during the diet is observed the deterioration of well-being, should be stopped a weight loss program and consult with the doctor.